We love and appreciate all of our speakers and in the spirit of non-favouritism, everyone is listed in alphabetical order, by first name.

However Imperfectly
In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching
and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; Process over product; All kids are
different; “Progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; What real “college and career readiness” is, and two secret keys
to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your
calling as a homeschooling educator.
But… but… but… What About Grammar?
Knowing how to teach grammar is especially challenging for the parent who doesn’t feel confident in his or her own
grammar proficiency. Grammar programs often consist of piles of workbooks, wasted dollars, and way too much time spent
trying to fulfill that subject. Often what is taught in those workbook pages doesn’t translate into success in writing. The
results are poor mechanics and a less than stellar understanding of “What is a verb?” or perhaps more importantly, “How do
verb choices enhance writing?” If you are asking, “But what about grammar?” Andrew Pudewa has answers.
Mastery Learning, Ability Development, and Individualized Education ***LIVE
What is mastery learning, and how does it relate to education? Andrew will explain the methods, goals, and benefits of the
ability development model as developed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, and applications to disciplines other than music, along with
potential obstacles to successful implementation. Come and hear how, as Dr. Suzuki puts it, “Every child can learn,” and how
you can create success in areas where you or your children have struggled in the past.
This talk can also be found under “Education and Leadership.”

Ordinary Child to Extraordinary Child
So you are going to homeschool? Great! This new adventure will be conducive to growing, learning, and developing with your child. Creating a loving, nurturing home environment to educate your child is not bringing the institutionalized school into your home. Homeschooling is a grand family lifestyle where you now have the opportunity to move your child from ordinary to extraordinary.

Online Learning
Does it work? Is it good for kids?
From an educator with more than a decade of
experience teaching online; as well as, a homeschool mom who used online learning extensively
during the high school years—this session will review types of online classes, the types of
students who fare best in each and how to get the best experience for your money.
The Comparison Trap ***LIVE
They’re not the competition! Friendships with other women are meant to be a significant source
of support, comfort and grace. But, our own thinking and the enemy of our soul can shutoff or
pervert this wonderful gift from God. Are we missing God’s eternal intentions in the
relationships that surround us? Or letting the comparison trap undermine our friendships? If we
are willing to lock arms and share the joys and burdens of marriage, motherhood and
homeschooling together, God will open up new rivers of grace in each of our lives.
Study-Smart Student Strategies ***LIVE
The 20 Power Tools of Learning and the brain science
behind them. This session is for teens and their parents. Cut your study time in half, remember
what you learn, recall it when you need it.

Why Homeschooling A Child With Unique Needs Is A Great Choice *** Live Session
Are you trying to homeschool a child that doesn’t fit the mold? Every child is unique, but some have needs that require more intervention. The labels range from Autism to Down’s Syndrome, from ADHD to Vision Impairment to Auditory Processing Disorder. Is it really possible to teach your own child in all of these situations? In this workshop, we will discuss the pros and cons, hear some real-life stories, find out about some available resources and receive some much-needed encouragement for the journey!
Better Late Than Early Or Early Than Late?
All children learn and grow at their pace…from rolling over as infants to crawling, to talking, to toilet training, to learning the alphabet. Homeschool parents are told over and over again ‘Don’t worry…they’ll catch on eventually’. Although this is somewhat reassuring for a homeschool mom who has tried everything to get their child to read, she wonders, “Is it fact? Do I dare wait?” In this workshop, Diane, veteran homeschool mom and trained educational therapist will debunk some myths, discuss some red flags and offer some tips and encouragement for the journey.
Back To The Basics – Teaching The 3 Rs (NILD Canada)
As homeschool parents, we work hard at finding ways to check off the basics in our school days. Truth be told, sometimes this is all we can manage to accomplish! What if you could be trained to understand the reading, writing and math fundamentals so you could pass on these skills to all of your children regardless of the curriculum you chose? In this workshop, we will demonstrate and discover new concepts using the Socratic method of questioning and mediation. We will discuss how you, as parent educators, can be furthered trained in NILD Canada’s Rx for Reading, Writing and Math so you can help your students succeed!

Pain vs Passion
Through Hannah’s journey and the book she wrote ( Pain vs Passion) she demonstrates the need for community and accurate education for all affected by some form of mental health illness or another. “It is more than just exercising and eating right, there’s a whole process to being mentally healthy. My goal is that one day being healthy in mind, body and spirit will be an everyday activity, not just a new year’s resolution.
Follow Hannah’s journey as she shares how she dealt with her depression in high school and college and how having these experiences has helped her get to where she is today.

Morning Time ***LIVE
Morning Time: Routines and Riches
What is the benefit of gathering your children around in a one-room schoolhouse style to read, listen and observe?
We’ll talk about how we can create a culture of community within our homes while we study literature, art, music, poetry, and all those things that we wish we could get to but somehow they fall off our schedule. We’ll also talk about how this is a wonderful way to teach various ages simultaneously.

Momma, Momma: Managing Fear in the Midst of Chaos
Through the day, the mother plays many roles. A healthy perspective and healthy habits help to bring order out of the chaotic world at home. Jan will share her journey of juggling the roles of “mother,” and strategies that worked in keeping fear at bay! Having a plan and learning to be flexible within the context of life happening keeps your joy from evaporating.
A Winning Strategy In Your Homeschool
Along the way in homeschooling we can struggle to feel successful. It is easy to be distracted by others or our own feelings of inadequacy. When the target is constantly moving, it is hard to hit the bull’s eye. Jan wants to share some insights and practical ideas that can give you confidence and encouragement to make your homeschooling really count and to get Mom and Dad on the same team.
Easy Ways to Build Language Skills and Strengthen Family
We are concerned about the language development of our toddlers but forget that language continues to develop throughout the school experience. Broadening vocabulary and strengthening communication is an important life skill that greatly contributes to the success of each child.
Ways Parents can Work Together to Successfully Homeschool Roger and Jan Smith ***LIVE
The strengths of each parent should naturally lend to a sharing of involvement in meeting the needs of the children in each home. This includes education academically, socially and spiritually. Real life examples of how this veteran couple made it work can encourage you!
Maximize Growth In Your Home Roger & Jan Smith
How are your children growing toward adulthood? Children have essential needs that enable them to grow up, and it is our job to help meet those needs. This session will identify the core needs that must be met to provide optimal growth toward maturity, and the Smiths will discuss how we, as parents, can effectively meet those needs. Home is the place where children grow the most. Be inspired to change your home environment resulting in a better outcome for all. Handout included.

Everything You Need to Know About Experiments ***LIVE
All the practical issues surrounding experiments.
Teaching Science At Home
If there is one subject that most homeschooling parents feel inadequate at teaching, it is science. Most parents don’t know how science should be covered throughout a student’s schooling, and many don’t think they know science well enough to teach it. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you an overview of how to teach science at home from the earliest years through high school. He stresses the differences between elementary and high school science and how to use the middle school years to bridge the two. He also surveys the curricula available to homeschooling parents and makes recommendations.
Why Homeschool Through High School ***LIVE
Homeschooling parents are often faced with a difficult decision when their children reach high school age. Typically, the parents feel they are just not able to teach the more demanding courses that are required at the high school level. As a result, many parents feel that they must send their children to school for a proper high school education. In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a former teacher at both the university and high school levels, will explain why such a decision is not in the best interest of the student.
Using data gathered from many different sources, including his own experiences, Dr. Wile demonstrates that homeschooled students are better academically prepared and better socialized than their publicly- or privately-schooled counterparts. These facts allow Dr. Wile to make a compelling case that the best thing for a homeschooled student is to stay in homeschool, regardless of the parent’s academic abilities.

Finding Strength, Hope, and Comfort in Scripture and Song
Join The Beal Family of Maine for a presentation of Word and song designed to encourage the hearts of homeschooling families and build them up in the faith. Jon and Lisa, veteran homeschooling parents themselves and founders of Roots by the River, have teamed up with their children to offer this musical workshop, and they are excited about this unique opportunity to share with you. As it says in Psalms, may “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.”

God has a different story (Inviting God to speak into your homeschool journey)
It can be so challenging to wrap our heads around homeschooling and what we want that to look like. Do you feel overwhelmed in your homeschool journey? Are your well-intentioned plans always forgotten as you are torn between the daily demands of life and being a homeschooling parent?
Let’s take some time to explore God’s word and promises. Let’s discover fresh strength and encouragement. Furthermore, let’s talk your why and about how to set a vision for your family. Find ways to keep that joy through all of life’s seasons and bring strength to your family.
Enjoying your children’s education journey with a Classical Method of Education
Classical Education methods can seem overwhelming and unattainable. But it’s actually quite simple and embraces a natural way of learning!
Join me as we explore what the Classical model is, how it can be easily used in your homeschool to make your family’s education journey enjoyable!

Registering & Reporting in Nova Scotia ***LIVE
New to homeschooling? Unsure how to fill out Nova Scotia’s registration and reporting forms – or even where to find them? Kathleen will walk you through it, step by step.
Getting Started on Your Homeschool Journey
Everybody has a story to tell. How do you choose what information to fold into your homeschool journey? Questions about curriuculm, schedules, socialization? Join Kathleen as she shares some of her insights into setting your homeschool up for success.

Active Living For Your Homeschool Family – To Everything There Is A Season
Merriam discusses fitness and wellness in a home and homeschool. She shares a decision making process on how to implement fitness, and what that ultimately and uniquely looks like, in your homeschool.
Active Living For Your Homeschool Family – To Everything There Is A Season ***LIVE
Recap Merriam’s pre-recorded session and connect with a Q&A.
Building Community and a Q&A with Stephanie Jackson ***LIVE
Overwhelmed and over scheduled? Me too, and so I booked Merriam for the same session twice!
We want to shake things up a bit, so Merriam and I are inviting you to join us in our homes, with a cup of tea and your questions, challenges & successes.
In this time of isolation, let’s build some community and share our journeys together.

HSLDA Legal Update ***LIVE
Join Peter as he shares how HSLDA is working on your behalf across Canada and in particular, what is happening in the Maritimes.

Fathers Role- Less about Authority and more about Influence
Often the father is described as the principal, but I advocate the role as much more than that. The involvement of the father as one of great influence for good in the family can be maximized through relationship and understanding of the needs of children.
Ways Parents can Work Together to Successfully Homeschool Roger and Jan Smith ***LIVE
The strengths of each parent should naturally lend to a sharing of involvement in meeting the needs of the children in each home. This includes education academically, socially and spiritually. Real life examples of how this veteran couple made it work can encourage you!

The Five Flavors of Homeschooling
The world of homeschooling is a lot like the world of food. You know that you want to provide nutritious meals for your children’s minds, but there are so many possibilities for what that food could look like and taste like. Join Sonya for a simple overview of five main approaches to homeschooling: traditional, classical, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, unschooling. Find your preferred “flavor” and learn how to choose and use curriculum successfully.
Charlotte Mason & Her Methods
Join Sonya for a practical and encouraging overview of the simple yet effective methods used in the Charlotte Mason approach. You will learn about Charlotte and experience using her methods for yourself during the session.
Learning with Living Books
Good living books feed our children a feast of ideas, not just dry facts. Join Sonya for a look at this simple, yet effective, approach to true education. Learn what makes living books “living,” and practice using them in a way that makes learning stick.
The Early Years: Homeschooling Your Preschooler
Give your child what is most important. Instead of academic or social pressures, Charlotte Mason encouraged mothers to give their little ones a full six years of developing good habits, getting acquainted with nature, exploring with the five senses, growing in their spiritual lives, and more. Learn how to give your child a quiet growing time.
Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits in Your Home School
Discover the secret to smooth and easy days: habit training. Learn how to instill good habits, which habits Charlotte Mason encouraged parents to cultivate in their children, and practical tips for cultivating the Top Three.

Welcome to the HEMS 2020 Virtual Conference ***LIVE
Come share our passion for helping, encouraging, mentoring and serving homeschooling families around the world.
Alternatives to Textbooks for Teaching Language
Studies confirm that immersion is the best way to learn a language. Knowing that, it makes sense for us to use the world around us to build vocabulary, improve spelling, develop grammar comprehension and enhance spoken and written communication skills.
Homeschooling Multiple Ages
Ages & stages, engaging the hearts of our children, learning & teaching styles and building strategies to maximize time management – these are all key elements for successful homeschooling.
Homeschooling Highschool
You made it through sleeping through the night and potty training – how hard can this be? Join Stephanie as she helps you navigate selecting curriculum, creating a schedule, building a transcript and helping your teen pursue their passion.
Building Community and a Q&A with Merriam Nixon ***LIVE
Overwhelmed and over scheduled? Me too, and so I booked Merriam for the same session twice!
We want to shake things up a bit, so Merriam and I are inviting you to join us in our homes, with a cup of tea and your questions, challenges & successes.
In this time of isolation, let’s build some community and share our journeys together.
“Oh, that’s just her mom.” ***LIVE
You started as someone; someone with an identity and you became “just her mom”. What do you do when you get lost in the day to day? Let’s rediscover God’s amazing plan for us in motherhood and homeschooling.

Getting the WHY, finding the HOW
Someone once said, “There are two kinds of people: those who love history and those who have to put up with them.” If you find yourself in the first group, you are likely already thinking about how you can get your children to love history like you do, and if you find yourself in the second group, you are struggling with the grim necessity of teaching your children at least enough history so that you can say you did it on a report card. In this session, I want to begin by addressing WHY the study of history is both important for our children, AND ourselves. Once we understand the value of the study, then we will look at HOW we can teach it in the context of our homeschooling journey without it becoming a drudgery. It is my goal that we will leave our time together with a better handle on WHY and HOW!

Loving Your Family As Jesus Has Loved You ***LIVE
After many years of being a father I discovered that before I can teach my children to love God and His word, I have to love God and His word. My relationship with God influences my relationship with my wife and my children. Investing time connecting with my Heavenly Father, bears good fruit as I love my family as He loves me. Join Steve as he shares His journey.
Parents are Uniquely Qualified to Teach and Disciple Their Children
As a parent, you are uniquely qualified to be the primary educator of your children. You have more assets than you realize. Listen and be encouraged by a homeschooling father of four sons who are now adults.
Life Lessons for Being a Supportive Husband and Faithful Dad
God designed men to be servant hearted leaders who lay their life down for their families. Married for 40 years and father to four homeschooled sons, Steve shares what he has learned from God’s Word and his family.
Deepening Family Relationships Through Godly Communication
There is no one who can build up a family like the father. As we live and learn together lets be intentional our relationships in the family. Understanding each other and working on speaking and listening leads to healthier interactions among all members of the family.
How to Get Started Having Regular Times of Family Worship
Steve relates the ingredients for a doable plan of family worship. After many years of trying, God helped the Demmes make studying God’s word a daily part of their home. Steve also shares obstacles he wrestled with to lead his family in this crucial area.
Math U See ***LIVE
Join Steve, live, as he shares some of the proven mastery stragtegies that have helped thousands of homeschool students around the world succeed at math.
Building Faith Families ***LIVE

Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe
Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you”ll ever make it through another day of school. Your ”get up and go” has ”gotten up and went”. You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you”re feeling like burnt toast.
Take heart–you”re not alone! Most homeschooling moms are prone to believing the lies that say, you”re not good enough…you aren”t qualified…and you are ruining your children.
If you believe these lies, you will crumble under the weight of homeschooling and feel defeated and alone. But if you learn to recognize these lies and combat them with the TRUTH, then you will experience peace, joy, and freedom.
Family Is Hard
Family is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage… well, that’s way hard. And that’s OK and even normal. Trouble is we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap, and at the same time we want successful results.
But the truth is that good things are hard and hard things are good, and they go hand in hand. Sadly, most people don’t ever experience the good because they can’t handle the hard. They put the hard thing off, hoping it will get easier, or they avoid it all together, and all they end up with is a pile of regrets. Here’s the good news: you can handle the hard.
In fact, if you’re faced with two choices, pick ‘HARD.’ During this hour, you’ll laugh with Todd as he shares how to embrace the hardness while keeping your eye on the joy and experience God’s best for you.
How to Choose Relationship When There’s So Much To Do ***LIVE
Years ago a homeschool mom came up to me with a pen in hand and a notebook in the other and said, “I believe that the relationship with my children matters more than anything else…so can you tell me what “relationship” is? I didn’t have a great answer at the time…but I do now. Join me as we look at TWO homeschooling moms. One spends her days doing what matters and one spends her days on what does not last. My desire is to help you and me do what matters.