HEMS Annual Project Fair
What started out as a science fair has grown and we are delighted to invite you to join in the HEMS Annual Project Fair.
Projects from all disciplines are welcome.
Students will have the opportunity to present their work to an adjudicator and everyone will receive at certificate of participation.
This is a great venue to showcase what has been going on in your homeschool this year.
Location: Cole Harbour Place Library
Date: March 23rd, 2019
Time: 9:30 am – 1 ish
Cost: $5/student
What to bring: your project, a table cloth, a terrific attitude and a snack to share at the end.
Please note: Students are free to contribute more than one project in more than one discipline, but please, only one project each per discipline.
In cooperation with the Nova Scotia Heritage Fair, HEMS is able to offer eight students between grades 4-9, the opportunity to move on to the Nova Scotia Heritage Fair. These students will be selected based on their participation in the HEMS project fair, their projects and their enthusiasm.
Projects for the Nova Scotia Heritage Fair are based on Canadian history.