Every province has its own Education Act and Department of Education. Homeschool legislation varies across the country as does policy on funding. Below is a list of support available in each province. This is not a legal document. All information contained herein was obtained through contact with individual provincial sources. It is important to note that, should there be a discrepancy between this document and a Department of Education policy, the Department shall be considered the authority. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, HSLDA or the support association for your province. Last modified: February 13, 2014
As with any situation where government provides funding, it also requires regulations and conditions to manage that money. It is the position of HEMS that the freedom to homeschool in a manner that is most appropriate for each family, without or with minimal government interference, outweighs the benefits of funding.
In every province where homeschooling is government funded, private schools also receive government funding.
Overview of Legislation, Funding & Support for Canadian Homeschoolers
Newfoundland & Labrador
Legislation: http://www.assembly.nl.ca/legislation/sr/statutes/s12-2.htm
Summary of Requirements:
- Register with school district each year.
- External evaluator approval.
- Report submitted at end of year.
NOTE: There are some unique requirements in each district so it is important to read/contact the appropriate information/person for your district.
Central Nova
Scroll down to 800.10 Homeschooling Handbook and save. Registration form is found on page 13 and Report form is found on page 18.
http://www.nlesd.ca/search-results.jsp?cx=001984955974701656993%3Agsch61nw5kk&q=homeschooling&submit=Search Scroll down to Code: LBC Homeschooling and save. Registration form is found on page 7 and Report form is found on page 8.
http://www.nlesd.ca/search-results.jsp?cx=001984955974701656993%3Agsch61nw5kk&q=homeschooling&submit=Search Scroll down to Home School and save. Registration form is found on page 13-14 and Report form is found on page 15.
Funding: None
Government Support
Textbooks provided free.
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association
Prince Edward Island
Legislation: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/legislation/E%26.02-3doc-Home%20Education%20Regulations.pdf
Summary of Requirements:
- File notice of intent to homeschool prior to school year.
- Provide a copy of the proposed home education program.
- Teacher advisor.
Funding: None
Nova Scotia
Legislation: https://www.ednet.ns.ca/homeschooling/legislation-and-regulations
Summary of Requirements:
- File notice of intent to homeschool prior to school year.
- Provide a copy of the proposed home education program.
Funding: None
Government Support
- Grant for speech pathology.
- Access to local public school at discretion of principal.
- Immunization schedule.
- Student Accident Insurance
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association
New Brunswick | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: |
http://www.canadalegal.com/gosite.asp?s=3432There is no specific reference to homeschooling in the NB Act. All policy is in house at this time. |
Application will be: 1. approved; 2. approved with reservation; or 3. denied Options 2 & 3 are generally based on family concerns and/or involvement of other government agencies. | Anglophone:http://www.gnb.ca/0000/anglophone-e.asp Scroll down to home schooling to open pdf pages Francophone: http://www.gnb.ca/0000/SchoolDistrictsf.asp | none |
| www.henb.orginfo@henb.org |
Quebec | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: |
http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=2&file=/I_13_3/I13_3_A.htmlSection 15 (4) | none | http://www.acpeq.org/en/ |
Ontario | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association | Notes:
http://ontariohomeschool.org/legal.shtml#educationact | If the child has never been to public school, no action (beyond providing an education) is required.If the child has previously been registered in a public or private school, a letter of intent should be sent to the Department of Education. | Sample letter of intent:http://ontariohomeschool.org/letter-of-intent.shtml | None | http://find.gov.on.ca/?searchType=simple&owner=edu&url=&collection=educationtcu&offset=0&lang=en&type=ANY&q=homeschooling | http://ontariohomeschool.org/https://www.ochec.org/ |
Manitoba | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association | Notes:
http://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/ccsm/_display2.php | – File notice of intent to homeschool prior to school year. – Provide a copy of the proposed home education program. – Provide two reports per year: (January & June.) – Field representative approval of equivalency. NOTE: If forms are not delivered on time, all further approvals are held. In extreme cases, the School Division will visit. | http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/schools/ind/home_sch.html#notification | None | – Access to some special needs services at the family’s expense. – Access to borrow material resources used in schools. | http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/schools/ind/home_sch.html#contacts |
Saskatchewan | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: |
http://www.education.gov.sk.ca/ISHBE |
Individual school boards can vote to change requirements. | http://www.hslda.ca/about_home_education/saskatchewan_homeschool_forms |
| Textbooks. Extra curricular materials. Special needs support. ** **Once the Department of Education has provided a learning plan for a homeschooled child, the family is bound to follow it. | http://www.shbe.info/ |
Alberta | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: |
http://www.qp.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=2006_145.cfm&leg_type=Regs&isbncln=0779748387 |
| http://education.alberta.ca/parents/choice/homeeducation.aspxScroll down to “More Information” | https://education.alberta.ca/admin/funding/manual.aspxDownload pdf and scroll to page 22. Rates https://education.alberta.ca/admin/funding/rates.aspx |
| http://www.aheaonline.com/ |
British Columbia | |||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: | |
http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/legislation/ |
| http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/home_school/#hfund |
| http://www.bchla.bc.ca/ http://www.lifelearning.ca/ |
Yukon | |||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: | |
http://www.gov.yk.ca/legislation/edu.html |
| none |
Northwest Territories & Nunavut | ||||||
Legislation |
Summary of Requirements |
Forms |
Funding |
Government Support |
Provincial Homeschool Support Group or Association |
Notes: |
http://www.canlii.org/en/nu/laws/stat/snwt-nu-1995-c-28/latest/snwt-nu-1995-c-28.html Look along left margin for homeschooling notes. Also find some information under inclusive schooling. |
| Done through local school. | Program costs approved by the District Education Authority may be reimbursed. | Monitor and provide support to homeschool programs. |