

All of these are onomatopic words.  They are words that say the sound they make.  Just hearing the words elicits a response.  You can almost feel the action.  Immediately, you know exactly what these words represent.

When I am with my children, there are words, actions and attitudes that very clearly distinguish each one.  I can tell by the giggle of one precisely with whom I am dealing.  The wry wit of another is a clear indicator of that person.  Each one is unique, each one is special and each one is easy to identify.

The character of the onomatopic words sets them apart from other words.  It establishes how we use them and their effectiveness in a given situation.

The character of our children (and of ourselves) sets us apart from everyone else.  Who and what we are determines how we can be used of the Lord and our effectiveness for Him.

When people say your name, does it conjure images that you would choose?  When your children see you, what comes to mind for them?

Lately, it has been heavy on my heart to truly live up to the character I want associated with my name.  There is a reputation that I would like to have in order to be as effective as possible for God.  (This is a work in progress!)

My goal for right now is to live for the Lord in such a way that my name resounds with images of Him.  If you think of it, please pray for me in this effort.

Titus 2:7

In everything, set them an example by doing what is good.

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