Winter Wonderland
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our grateful hymn of praise.
Have you ever felt like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football? Have you ever walked away, waiting for her to throw it at the back of your head? Sometimes, life is really hard. Relationships are messy. Trust is broken. Hearts are heavy. I can just feel Charlie Brown’s angst when he sighs that heavy-laden,…
Two teens, one kitchen, a handful of ingredients and we had a gourmet supper. The table was laid with white linen, silver and china. Crystal glasses waited poised to receive sparkling pomegranate juice. Candlelight danced through the room and the savoury aroma of garlic permeated the air. The children suggested that they would enjoy having…
Friday I went to the grocery store. There was a points promotion. I spent close to an hour toting my two little girls, collecting everything on my list. I got to the checkout and had no money! Monday I went back to the grocery store. Re-collected everything on my list, double checked that I had…
My baby is 17 today! I can hardly believe that my first born is now an ‘almost adult’. It seems as though in the beginning I thought this time would never come and now I’m wondering how on earth it happened so quickly. Seventeen years of laughter, tears, lessons, successes, failures and memories. The other…
Looking into the angry eyes of my child I wonder where I went wrong. “Children are a pain!” “I’m not having any kids.” “Working maintenance would be better than having to be a counselor!” What happened to make this child so negatively inclined toward children? The early teen years can be a challenge as children…