Be Strong & Courageous

We’re entering into another new year and as I reflect on the last one, there are things that I learn about myself. Last year was hard; not my family died and we lost our home and jobs hard, but emotionally hard. Hard on my head, hard on my heart. As I look back, I remember other times in my life that were hard and the one thing that has remained consistent is the Lord.

The pattern seems to be that the closer I am walking with the Lord, the more likely something is about to happen. I get snarled up in whatever it is and then I realize that God is waiting, patiently for me to reach out and rest in Him. The peace that comes with turning my eyes back on Him instead of trying to keep my head above water is immeasurable.

This year, I am beginning a study in Joshua, and while I was reading the first 10 verses of chapter one, here is what kept coming off the page:

v6 – Be strong and courageous

v7 – Be strong and very courageous

v 9 – Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged

Three times in three verses, God is reminding Joshua (and me) that there are going to be rough patches but that if we walk with Him, He will never leave us nor forsake us (v3-5).

Moving backward a little bit to verse 2, God tells Joshua to “get ready” NIV or in the KJV to “arise”. He wants Joshua to prepare for what is ahead. He knows that the work to come will require Joshua to lean on Him. In verse eight, God tells Joshua to keep God’s word, meditate on it, obey it and do all that is written in it.

Is God’s promise for this that Joshua will always be happy? Nope. God’s promise is that Joshua will be successful. If you measure success by a prosperity gospel, you will always be disappointed, but if you measure success by walking in peace and rest in the fruit of the Spirit, then these verses are a great place to start.

This year, I want to be strong and courageous enough to rest and have peace in my Lord. I want to be strong and courageous enough to share His love with all those He puts around me. I want to turn over my fear and discouragement to the God who will never leave me or forsake me. I want to be a woman whose God is enough.

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