Bulging Blisters and Torn Toes
Two days… I’ve made it two days. Because of my clumsiness and tendency to fall down, my husband doesn’t like for me to walk outside when the weather is foul or the ground is slippery. We’ve had two beautiful days in a row and both days I’ve gone for nice long walks. Day one 4.8 km and today 3.4 km.
I should be proud of myself you say. Well perhaps… if my feet were still speaking to me. Since I’ve no need for sneakers in the winter (and quite honestly I prefer open backed shoes) and since I would always rather swim than walk my poor feet were not at all prepared for what I just put them through. Yesterday I had indications of blisters but when I woke up this morning they seemed to be fine. This afternoon not only do I have matching blisters on each inside heel, one of my toenails rubbed against its neighbour toe – what a mess. I’ll need to make amends with my feet before I so despitefully use them again 🙂
This may not seem to have a point, but really it does. I was not prepared for what was ahead of me. I didn’t work up to it, I didn’t put bandaids on the warning signs of the blisters to come. I didn’t make sure that my freedom loving toes would graciously resign themselves to sharing close quarters.
When I’m deciding what to do with my time and whether or not to spend it reading my Bible or praying I’m actually deciding how prepared I’m willing to be for what lies ahead of me.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show yourself approved unto God.
Amos 4:12
Prepare to meet your God.
John tells us in chapter 4 verses 2 & 3 that God is preparing a place for us. Jesus tells us that if He prepares a place for us, He will return to bring us to that place.
When we are unprepared to meet God in the place He has for us, the result is often even more painful than the blisters on my feet. Disappointment and heartache wait for me when I am not ready to be where God wants me to be.
While I’m off finding some bandaids, I encourage you to spend some time with God today. Prepare your heart to serve Him wholly.
Psalm 40:8
I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.