Happy Birthday Canada

It’s a time to celebrate!  Canada is 144 years old.

Today is a day when thousands of Canadians will head to the streets and watch parades, tour historic sites and eat cake.  There will be barbeques and backyard parties and the night will explode in a cacophony of light with fireworks from coast to coast.

People will cheer and dance and wear red and white.  It is, after all, Canada’s birthday.

Two days from now, I wonder how many fireworks there will be?  I wonder if there will be free cake and parades and if the mayor will be throwing candy from the window of his car?

Actually, I don’t need to wonder.  I already know the answer.  Two days from now, people will be sleeping in and taking it easy, catching up on their shopping and preparing to go back to work.  Two days from now is Sunday.

Acts 20:7
  On the first day of the week we came together to break bread…

Since the days the Lord Jesus walked on this earth, the Christians have gathered on the first day of the week to break bread (Communion) and worship Him.  We consider His birth, His life, His crucifixion and His resurrection.  We are there to celebrate this Jesus and His amazing sacrifice and love for us.

I can honestly say that I have never seen fireworks on the pulpit.  Not that I have to but my thought is this…If we can go all out celebrating the day why don’t we go all out celebrating the Creator of the day?

So often Sundays are ‘drag through’ days.  Everyone is tired and it is not unusual to see heads drooping in seats on Sunday morning.  I am challenging you today – celebrate the Lord this Sunday!  When you go to church on Sunday morning, remember that the only reason you are there is because of what the Lord Jesus did.  Don’t let Sunday become a ritual, something you do because you are supposed to.  This Lord’s Day, arrive with a smile on your face and a heart full of joy for the privilege of being able to celebrate God’s love.

Psalm 40:16
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “The LORD be exalted!”

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