Time Served
Spilled milk, broken eggshells, and flour exploded all over the kitchen counter. How could this be a positive thing? What good could come from this chaos?
In the process of making, baking and decorating over 300 cookies for DVBS, I had the joy of spending hours with my daughters in the kitchen. I need to confess, the kitchen is one place where I really struggle having little ones underfoot. I find it stressful as I watch pans of ingredients composted due to errors in measuring. Having my mixer saturated in flour instead of nice and clean has been known to make me twitch.
I am really trying to do a better job of working alongside my girls. I want them to enjoy cooking and sewing and crafting. I want them to see these skills as ways to provide for their families. When I look past the disaster, I am able to see the value in the time spent together – even in the cleaning up.
Time spent talking and laughing and sharing hearts. This time is often difficult to come by and yet it is the strength of our relationships. The trust and understanding that is built simply by spending time together cannot be achieved in any other way.
Time passes so quickly. Our oldest child has left home. Our middle two are already talking about volunteering at camp for the whole summer next year. Before I know it, we will be empty nesters and I will be looking for the memories of the times we shared.
Yes, it often takes longer to let them help. Yes, things often do not turn out the way we intially planned. Yes, it is worth every minute.
Investing the time now, in the messes and adventures will mean that I get to be a part of the wonderful results at the other side.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.