Who Says So?

 Luke 10:2
Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.


 Recently I’ve been challenged with a service question.  There are so many ministries available to become involved with.  They all seem (and probably are) very important.  So “What’s the problem?” you ask.  Here it is in a nutshell.


 When somebody says, “Yes” and gets involved or they say, “No” and don’t get involved, is it the somebody or the Lord making the decision?


 Sometimes a ministry may have a need and someone you’d expect to take it on doesn’t or someone you would never imagine in the role steps up.  What leads people to make the decision to serve (or not) in any ministry? 


Some of our decisions are made in fear, some in pride, some in excitement, some under duress and some out of a lack of anything else to do.  Ideally, all of our decisions should be made in prayer.


 I often struggle with how involved I should become.  We have a busy family and we homeschool and we are very active in a homeschooling ministry as well as being involved with our church family.  Sometimes I feel guilty because I’m not in the nursery or teaching Sunday School.  I am amazed at how many committees our church has and how many ways I could be involved.  My husband told me that I need to get past feeling guilty if I’m not serving everywhere.  He’s right. There’s no way I can be everything to everybody – so why would I try?  I could be so busy ‘serving’ in so many capacities that I am unable to serve in the one(s) to which God is actually calling me.


The question came to me, “When faced with a yes or no decision, do I say no to the opportunity or do I say no to God?”  In the same vein, “When I say yes, am I saying yes to the person asking or am I saying yes because after prayerful consideration I believe that God is leading me to become a part of whatever “it” is?”


1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
My job is not to do all of the jobs.  My job is to do the job(s) that God gives ME to do.  Not to stress and rush through.  Not to begrudge the effort whilst feeling justified by my sacrifice of time served.  Whole-heartedly, I need to serve the Lord in whatever way He leads me… even if that means saying no or yes. 

Here I Am, Wholly Available   by Chris Bowater

© 1981 Sovereign Lifestyle Music
Here I am, wholly available
As for me, I will serve the Lord
Here I am, wholly available
As for me, I will serve the Lord

The fields are white unto harvest
But O, the labourers are so few
So Lord, I give myself to help the reaping
To gather precious souls unto You

The time is right in the nation
For works of power and authority
God’s looking for a people who are willing
To be counted in His glorious victory

As salt are we ready to savour?
In darkness are we ready to be light?
God’s seeking out a very special people
To manifest His truth and His might

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